Careful what you wish for! After a snowless year last year, we were really hoping for some good snow this year - for skiing purposes of course. Well, it has been snowing now for 2 1/2 days straight, and so far we have over two feet of snow. And, it is still snowing with more to come. All the major highways are closed. Santa Fe is not great when it comes to plowing - so many of us are stuck in our homes. But, it's a forced rest - and kind of nice actually. Here's what it looks like right now. I've told many people that it hardly ever snows in Santa Fe...and when it does, you never need a shovel since it melts by noon. Oh well...sorry!
If you are not from New Mexico, chances are you may have never heard of Tent Rocks. As you can see by the picture, it's an awesome site of ancient rocks, worn down by the elements over millions of years. A short hike will take you to the top, where you can look out over the valley and see an array of strangely shaped rocks and outcroppings. Only 45 minutes from Santa Fe, it's definitely worth a trip.
Ski Santa Fe lands at #14 in Conde Nasts "Top 20 Ski Resorts". Read about it here. Ski season opens on Friday of this week!!! If you have never skiied at Ski Santa Fe - now is the time to think about a trip. The views alone are enough to make you want to return again and again. Not to mention the great skiing - for beginners, intermediates, and advanced. Oh...and they have one of the best Green Chile Chicken stews in town!